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After half a year of opening to traffic, why did this high-tech highway get the Solar Road Studs "patch"

The world's first 1.1-kilometer photovoltaic highway was unveiled in Jinan, arousing the attention and reports of major media across the country and the world. Since it was opened to traffic for half a year, the photovoltaic cell modules of this expressway have been repeatedly damaged and have to be closed and repaired frequently. At present, the fast lane part of this photovoltaic road has been patched a lot, and it looks mottled.
Photovoltaic road, simply put, is the Solar Road Studs road that can generate photovoltaic power (solar power generation). Some experts once commented: (it) is a big cross-border integration, a forward-looking and also a certain degree of subversive revolution.

From this point of view, there is no doubt about the forward-looking nature of this photovoltaic highway, which is known as the world's first, independently developed and laid by my country, and has complete intellectual property rights. But today, half a year later, this section of the road "has to be closed for maintenance on a regular basis" due to a lot of damage, and is in a rather embarrassing situation.
Whether you admit it or not, a very real problem emerges: avant-garde ideas must be protected by appropriate measures. In fact, as early as half a year ago, when CCTV reported that the 1.1-kilometer photovoltaic highway Solar Road Studs was unveiled in Jinan, some netizens raised some concerns. For example, the problem of low conversion rate, the glass is somewhat rough, the light transmittance is reduced, and the battery efficiency is reduced by half. In addition to vehicle occlusion, it is less than half, and there is also unstable output loss, and the visual conversion rate is less than 5%. Another example is the cost issue. The cost of the photovoltaic highway laboratory is controlled at 3,000 yuan/square meter, while the construction cost of the asphalt pavement is only 300-500 yuan/square meter. I'm afraid it will be difficult to match.

  Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. If the relevant departments and units were able to predict some possible problems as much as possible when planning and design was originally opened to traffic or even earlier, convened relevant parties for demonstration and discussion, brainstormed, and pooled their efforts to take a series of appropriate measures when they opened to traffic. The situation will naturally be better than it is now. At least, there will be no passive situation of "having to be closed and repaired frequently".

Of course, avant-garde things often have certain mistakes in practice, and no one can guarantee that they will not happen. Besides, the name of this section of the road itself has the word "experimental section". Since it is of an experimental nature, it is necessary to allow some errors to appear, but people expect that the smaller the error, the better.
The sustainable development of the economy and society requires avant-garde concepts and forward-looking things to lead. But one thing is clear, in the face of science, everything has to be real. Otherwise, it is inevitable to suffer losses and be punished.
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