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Common problems that can occur with Solar Lights

With the increasing shortage of traditional energy, the application of solar energy will become more and more extensive, especially the field of solar power generation has developed into a mature sunrise industry in just a few years.
1: At present, one of the most important links restricting the application of solar power generation is the price. Take a two-circuit Solar Lights as an example, the total load of the two circuits is 60 watts. 7 hours of night discharge, increase the battery plate reserve by 20%), the battery plate needs about 160W. Calculated at 4 yuan per watt, the cost of the battery plate is 640 yuan, plus the cost of the battery pack of about 180AH is also Around 1080, the one-time investment cost of the entire Solar Lights is much higher than that of the market circuit lights, causing the main bottleneck in the application field of Solar Lights.

2: The service life of the Solar Lights battery should also be considered in the application of the entire street light system. Generally, the Solar Lights battery is guaranteed for three or five years, but the general battery will be unsatisfactory after one year or even half a year. Some The actual charging rate may drop to about 50%, which will definitely affect the normal lighting at night during continuous cloudy and rainy days, so it is particularly important to choose a better battery.
3: Some engineering companies often use LED lights as the lighting of Solar Lights, but the quality of LED lights is uneven, and LEDs with serious light decay may attenuate 50% of the illuminance in half a year. So be sure to choose LED Solar Lights with slow light decay, or use electrodeless lamps, low-pressure sodium lamps, etc.

4: The choice of Solar Street Light controller is often a problem ignored by engineering companies. The quality of Solar Street Light controllers varies. The market price of 12V/10A controllers ranges from 100-200 yuan. The least valuable part of the street light system, but it is a very important part. The quality of the controller directly affects the component life of the Solar Street Light system and the procurement cost of the entire system. One: The controller with lower power consumption should be selected. The Solar Street Light controller works 24 hours a day. If it is large, it will consume part of the power. It is best to choose a controller with a power consumption of less than 1 milliamp (MA). Two: To choose the Solar Street Light controller with high charging efficiency, the Solar Street Light controller with MCT charging mode can automatically track the maximum current of the battery panel, especially in winter or periods of insufficient light, the MCT charging mode is 20 higher than others % efficiency. Three: The Solar Street Light controller with two-way power regulation should be selected. The controller with power regulation has been widely promoted. It can automatically turn off one or two lights at night when there are few pedestrians, saving electricity, and can also target LED Solar Street Light for power regulation. In addition to selecting the above power-saving functions, you should also pay attention to the protection function of the controller for the battery and other components. For example, the controller with trickle charging mode can protect the battery well and increase the life of the battery. In addition, set the controller undervoltage protection. When the value is set, try to adjust the under-voltage protection value to ≥ 11.1V to prevent the battery from being over-discharged.

5: Attention should also be paid to anti-theft work in places far away from the urban area. Many engineering companies have not carried out effective anti-theft protection due to negligence in construction, resulting in the theft of Solar Street Light batteries, panels and other components, which not only affects normal lighting, but also causes unnecessary property damage. In engineering cases, most of the stolen batteries are batteries. It is an effective anti-theft measure to bury the batteries in the ground and pour cement. It is best to weld and strengthen the battery box when installing the battery box on the Solar Street Light pole.
6: Waterproof of Solar Street Light controller. The controller is generally installed in the lampshade and battery box, and generally does not enter the water. However, in practical engineering cases, the connecting wires of the controller terminals often flow into the controller due to rainwater. cause a short circuit. Therefore, during construction, attention should be paid to bending the internal connecting line into a "U" shape and fixing it, and the external connecting line can also be fixed in a "U" shape, so that the rainwater cannot get in and cause a short circuit of the controller. Apply waterproof glue to the interface.
7: In many practical applications of Solar Street Light, Solar Street Light in many places cannot meet the normal lighting needs, especially in cloudy and rainy days. In addition to the use of related components of poor quality, another main reason is to blindly reduce The cost of components is not designed and configured according to the requirements, and the use standard of battery panels and batteries is reduced, so the street lamps cannot provide lighting in rainy days.
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