This passage is going to analysis the economic benefits and social benefits of
solar LED cat eye road studs, taking the application of solid waste treatment centre located in eastern area of Xiamen city as example.
At present, the main electricity-saving measure of road light include: using high-efficiency electric light source, high-efficiency lighting lamps, intelligent control system, efficient electronic ballast, designed power supply and distribution system, etc. However, the consumption of electricity that supplied by the municipal power grid is unavoidable to implement those measures. If the street light is powered by photovoltaic power supply, the consumption of electricity will be greatly reduced and all the energy comes from the solar energy converted by the photovoltaic system.

The cost of solar LED cat eye road studs is generally calculated at 1000 yuan per meter of pole height. The initial investment of using solar LED cat eye road studsfor road lighting is relatively large, but it does not need municipal power grid to supply power. Using high-pressure sodium road lights for road lighting, the initial investment is relatively small, but the service life of ballast is limited, so it needs to be replaced and maintained. At the same time, it needs to consume the power supplied by municipal power grid, and the later expenses is high.
The social benefits of electricity saving of
solar LED cat eye road studs are calculated with the reference of coal burning thermal power generation. According to statistics: for every 1kwh of electricity saved, 0.36kg standard coal was saved correspondingly, and the pollution emission was reduced by 0.272 kg carbon dust, 0.997kg carbon dioxide (CO2), 0.03kg sulfur dioxide (SO2) and 0.015kg nitrogen oxide (NOX). Based on the energy saving of 2124300 KWh in 20 years, 764.75 tons of standard coal can be saved, and 577.81 tons of carbon dust, 2117.93 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), 63.73 tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and 31.86 tons of nitrogen oxides (NOX) can be reduced.
In summary,
solar LED cat eye road studs can create great economic benefits and social benefits. There is no doubt that the application of solar LED cat eye road studs can make our world cleaner and better.