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What effect does Solar Studs have in other parts of France?

In other parts of France, the application of Solar Studs has also achieved remarkable results, further consolidating its position in the field of traffic safety. These areas include rural roads, mountain roads and highway networks around cities. Solar Studs, with its unique advantages, provides strong support for night driving under various complex road conditions.

Application of rural roads and mountain roads
The application of Solar Studs is particularly important on rural roads and mountain roads. Since these areas often lack sufficient street lighting, the visibility of night driving is poor and the safety hazards are greater. Solar Studs automatically emit light and clearly mark the edge and center line of the road, effectively improving the driver's recognition ability and reducing traffic accidents caused by unclear vision. In addition, these studs also have certain reflective properties, which can enhance visibility under vehicle lights, further ensuring driving safety.

Extended application of highways around cities
In the periphery of French cities, the highway network is well-connected and is an important link between cities and villages. On these highways, the application of Solar Studs is not limited to traditional lane markings, but also extends to key areas such as ramp entrances, tunnel entrances and exits, and emergency parking strips. By setting up Solar Studs at these locations, drivers can be provided with more comprehensive and accurate road guidance, helping them to quickly make correct driving decisions while driving at high speeds. At the same time, the intelligent design of Solar Studs can also achieve remote monitoring and data collection, provide real-time road condition information to traffic management departments, and help build intelligent transportation systems.

Dual benefits of environmental protection and economy
It is worth mentioning that the widespread application of Solar Studs in other parts of France has also brought significant environmental and economic benefits. As a green energy product, Solar Studs does not produce any pollution emissions during use, which meets the French government's requirements for sustainable development and environmental protection. At the same time, due to its low maintenance cost and long service life, Solar Studs can also help relevant departments save a lot of electricity consumption and maintenance costs, providing strong support for the sustainable development of urban transportation infrastructure.
In summary, the successful application of Solar Studs in other parts of France not only improves the safety of night driving, but also promotes the dual development of environmental protection and economy. With the continuous advancement of technology and the continued promotion of its applications, Solar Studs is expected to become an important part of France's future transportation sector, ensuring people's travel safety.
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